Delani Rembert

Delani’s Story

I know that I’m getting stronger in multiple ways each and everyday! For years I struggled with learning how to love myself because for a long time, bad memories from my home life and my social life haunted me. But, I have learned to overcome these hardships each day. I still have insecurities, but my self-esteem is growing, and I am determined to replace the hardships of my past with a happy and productive future. 

Now that I am older and about to graduate high school, I spend less time dwelling on what others think of me. I realize that I have matured. I've learned how to just walk away from difficult situations and that every action doesn’t need a reaction. I have learned that while I cannot  control my environment, I do not have to let it control me and  just as I can walk away from a difficult person and seek someone better, I can also seek a better situation for myself. This is why I am excited for college because it means learning, and building relationships, and growing up, and it means hope.




Carver High School

Expected Graduation: May 2020

GPA: 3.6

Class Rank: 17/161